
David Hegarty received his education as an Organ Performance major at Loma Linda University (BA), Andrews University (MM), and continued with doctoral studies at the College-Conservatory of Music of the University of Cincinnati with Wayne Fisher.

As a composer and arranger, David served on the staff of Lorenz Publishing Company, where he was editor of “The Sacred Organ Journal.” He is also published with Broadman Press, Hal Leonard Publications, Sheet Music Magazine, and Hegarty Music Press, which publishes his Introduction to Organ Playing and MIDI materials for the Allen Organ Company.

As a concert artist, David has appeared in such diverse venues as Washington DC’s Kennedy Center, San Francisco’s Davies Symphony Hall, the Crystal Cathedral, Prudential Lines South American Cruises, and as a guest organist with the Oakland Pops Orchestra.

He is best known in the Bay Area as the senior staff organist of the Castro Theatre (since 1978), for appearing regularly at the Stanford Theatre in Palo Alto, and for monthly pops concerts at the California Palace of the Legion of Honor.